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Building Permit Fee Waivers

Most business throughout Hamden that newly construct or make improvements to real property can receive local building permit fee waivers of up to 100%. These waivers do not apply to HVAC, plumbing and electrical permits.

Businesses must apply for and have a copy of a business incentive offer letter from the Town before they apply for a waiver of building permits. The application is available from the Department of Economic and Neighborhood Development and takes 2-4 weeks to process. The benefits are as follows.

Town Building Permit Fee Waivers

Cost of Improvements Waiver Businesses not located in a Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Businesses located in a Neighborhood Revitalization Zone
Under $100,000 100% of fee is waived 100% of fee is waived
$100,000 - $500,000 50% of fee is waived 100% of fee is waived
$500,000 - $3 Million 25% of fee is waived 100% of fee is waived
Above $3 Million There is no waiver There is no waiver

For additional information and an application:

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