State Enterprise, Urban Jobs, & Railroad Depot Zone
The Town offers significant tax abatements to manufacturers, warehousing and distribution companies, and certain service businesses locating to, or expanding in, Hamden's Enterprise Zone in Highwood neighborhood and in the Town’s Railroad Depot Zone if they make real property improvements that increase the property’s assessed value. Some benefits for manufacturing may be offered in the State Street Neighborhood Revitalization Zone and the Urban Jobs Program.
The Town offers significant tax abatements to manufacturers, warehousing and distribution companies, and certain service businesses locating to, or expanding in, Hamden’s Enterprise Zone in the Highwood neighborhood if they make real property improvements that increase the property’s assessed value.
The types (SIC codes #2000 - 3999 inclusive with some additional codes) of eligible businesses are predetermined by the State Department of Economic and Community Development.
- A maximum of a five-year, 80% abatement of local property taxes on qualifying real and personal property subject to the property being “new to the grand list.”
Applicants can apply for Enterprise Zone benefits along with Property Improvement Grants and Waivers (limited) of Building Permit Fees.
The applicant must submit a preliminary questionnaire (pre-application) by mail through the Department of Economic and Community Development at (203) 287-7032 before initiating the eligible project. The request will be reviewed and approved by the State of Connecticut.
Municipal Officer to identify the correct zone the proposed project:
-Airport Development Zone | -Enterprise Zone | -Manufacturing Plant Zone |
-Bioscience Enterprise Corridor Zone | -Enterprise Corridor Zone | -Qualified Manufacturing Plant |
-Contiguous Municipality Zone | -Entertainment District | -Railroad Depot Zone |
-Defense Plant Zone | -Urban Jobs Programs |
The response to the following items are intended to provide the State with initial information concerning the intended occupant and claimant for exemptions, the amount of capital investment, and to verify the facility address is within a DECD-approved zone for possible Connecticut enterprise zone program benefits, which are subject to changes by the Connecticut General Assembly. The "Pre-app" is intended to allow the municipality and the State to make an initial review of the expansion/development project, but does not constitute a format application. (Prospective applicant/claimants must wait to be invited by the State, and the designated municipality would verify the investment project is complete, and certify the application package was reviewed).
Click to view Preliminary Questionnaire
Prospective applicants should return this preliminary questionnaire to the Town of Hamden, Government Center, 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518 for review. A municipal official must sign this and complete the Attachment A memo, and forward to CT DECD Enterprise Zone Program Manager via email to: .
If you have any questions, please leave a message at 1-860-500-2456. .
Enterprise Zone Street Listing
- Alenier Street
- Alling Street
- Alstrum Street
- Arch Street
- Augur Street
- Beaver Street
- Bowen Street
- Burke Street
- Butler Street
- Cherry Ann Street
- Circular Avenue
- Columbus Street
- Dix Street
- Dixwell Avenue
- Dudley Court
- Dudley Street
- Easton Street
- Edwards Street
- Fairview Avenue
- First Street
- Fitch Street
- Fourth Street
- George Street
- Glemby Street
- Goodrich Street
- Goodyear Street
- Hamden Park Dr.
- Harris Street
- Helen Street
- Industrial Circle
- Marlboro Street
- Mill Rock Rd.
- Morse Street
- Mott Street
- Murray Street
- Newbury Street
- Newhall Street
- North Street
- Notkins Street
- Pine Street
- Prescott. Street
- Putnam Avenue
- Remington Street
- Second Street
- Shelton Avenue
- Shepard Street
- St. Mary Street
- Third Street
- Warner Street
- Warren Street
- West Easton Street
- Whiting Street
- Winchester Avenue
- Woodin Street
Urban Jobs Program
The Town offers significant tax abatements to manufacturers, warehousing and distribution companies, and certain service businesses locating to, or expanding in, all areas of Hamden if they make real property improvements that increase the property’s assessed value. The following benefits for manufacturing may be offered under the Urban Jobs Program.
The types (SIC codes #2000 - 3999 inclusive with some additional codes) of eligible businesses are predetermined by the State Department of Economic and Community Development.
- A maximum of a five-year, 80% abatement of local property taxes on qualifying real and personal property subject to the property being “new to the grand list.”
Applicants can apply for Urban Jobs Program benefits along with Property Improvement Grants and Waivers (limited) of Building Permit Fees.
Application & Certification Process
The applicant must submit an application by mail through the Department of Economic and Neighborhood Development at (203) 287-7030 before initiating the eligible project. The request will be reviewed and approved by the State of Connecticut.
Urban Jobs Program Application
The Town offers significant tax abatements to manufacturers, warehousing and distribution companies, and certain service businesses locating to, or expanding in, all areas of Hamden if they make real property improvements that increase the property’s assessed value. The following benefits for manufacturing may be offered under the Urban Jobs Program.
The types (SIC codes #2000 - 3999 inclusive with some additional codes) of eligible businesses are predetermined by the State Department of Economic and Community Development.
- A maximum of a five-year, 80% abatement of local property taxes on qualifying real and personal property subject to the property being “new to the grand list.”
Applicants can apply for Urban Jobs Program benefits along with Property Improvement Grants and Waivers (limited) of Building Permit Fees.
Application & Certification Process
The applicant must submit an application by mail through the Department of Economic and Neighborhood Development at (203) 287-7030 before initiating the eligible project. The request will be reviewed and approved by the State of Connecticut.