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Unique Entity Identifier (UEI#)

Step by Step Guide

1.     Type in your Internet browser - https://sam.gov/content/home (make sure you are on the official U.S. Government site - registration is FREE do not utilize a commercial service website that may charge you a fee of $500 or more).


2.        Watch the SAM.GOV instructional video at this link:



3.     Follow the directions after you have logged into your SAM.Gov account  - Look for the icon on the right to begin your registration.


4.     Select Log In to complete authentication and access your account. If you do not have a SAM.GOV account, you will create one with your email and password. SAVE your LOG IN information in a safe place as SAM.GOV will only recognize one account for your business or organization.


5.     You may complete a ENTITY REGISTRATION or REQUEST A UEI NUMBER application.  Choose to complete and application through only one of these options.   


Once you have set up your SAM.GOV account continue with completing your application for UEI # Only

OR UEI Entity Registration:    


6.     To register for a UEI NUMBER ONLY - After you select your purpose of the registration and your entity type, you will enter the following information to get a Unique Entity ID:

  • Legal Business Name Physical Address (A post office box may not be used as your physical address)
  • Date of Incorporation
  • ·State of Incorporation (U.S. entities only)

Complete each page of the application & submit – You should receive a UEI# within a few days after you submit.


7.     To complete a ENTITY REGISTRATION - Complete each page of the application on the screen & submit.

You should receive a UEI# within two weeks after you submit your registration.  When you complete a full entity registration, this allows you (your business entity) to apply for other federal grants and contracts.


Your UEI # will be similar to this example:  FDTWYERDSDK4


You will need to log into your SAM.GOV account annually to renew/update your ENTITY UEI# registration.  Do not allow your registration lapse or your UEI# will become Inactive and you will have to re-apply in SAM.GOV.